
High-Altitude Yoga: Finding Zen at the Top of the World

High-Altitude Yoga: Finding Zen at the Top of the World

Picture unrolling your yoga mat amidst the silent majesty of snow-capped peaks, each breath filling your lungs with the pure, crisp mountain air. High-altitude yoga transcends the walls of traditional studios, inviting practitioners to merge the physical and the spiritual in a breathtaking dance

What you Need to Know about Kilimanjaro - The Roof of Africa

What you Need to Know about Kilimanjaro - The Roof of Africa

Kilimanjaro, located in northeast Tanzania, is the tallest mountain in Africa. It is also the tallest freestanding mountain in the world at 19,341 feet above sea level. The mountain is also known for its extreme weather conditions. Temperatures can range on the mountain from -20 degrees F to over 110 degrees F in one day during the rainy season.

Trekking the Himalayas - Annapurna or Everest Base Camp?

Trekking the Himalayas - Annapurna or Everest Base Camp?

Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) and Everest Base Camp (EBC) are two of the most popular Nepali treks, each with their own wonder and awe. While you’ll find yourself in breathtaking moments (literally and figuratively) on both trails, there are a few details you’ll need to consider before booking your tickets.